Simple rockery tips

Simple rockery tips

Posted by in garden design tips

I’ve heard rockeries described as “dated” a few times recently and, while I can certainly think of some examples which fall into that category, I firmly believe that a well placed rockery can add a vast amount to any garden.

Where to build a rockery

Rockerys work best in either full or part sun and are particularly effective when used in conjunction with ponds or water courses.

Which stones to use

Stick to one type of stone, I’d always recommend local stone for two main reasons: availability and transportation costs

Arranging your rocks

Always start at the lowest point and work your way up the slope. Begin by placing rocks in an irregular patten, leaving space for your planting. Make sure each rock is firmly imbedded in place. Once you are happy with the arrangement start adding a layer of planting soil, ideally a free draining soil made up of equal parts compost and sharp sand or grit.

Which plants to use

Plants best suited to rockeries are those which grow slow and low

  • Aubretia: are low, spreading evergreen plants.
  • Sedum: perfect for ground cover with tight mounds of foliage and spring-summer flowers.
  • Thyme: pretty, tasty to eat and fragrant smell.
  • Dwarf conifers: provide year round interest with good weed cover.
05 Apr 2014 no comments

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